At Lees Brook Academy, PSHE which includes RSE, has been designed to engage, inspire, challenge and encourage pupils to examine their own and other people’s attitudes to a number of issues relevant to life in the 21st century. We aim for students to be open minded, with the ability to think for themselves as they study personal, social, health and economic issues.
Students are encouraged to listen to each other and not be afraid of making their own voice heard, justifying their viewpoint with reasoned consideration. We aim to encourage students to be critical thinkers and develop their oracy in order to debate controversial issues without causing offense to others. At Lees Brook we aim to open students minds to the possibilities and opportunities presented to them, whilst at the same time safeguarding them to the risks that exist in the modern, globalised world, in order that they may become truly global citizens.
End Point Statements
Year 7
Year 8
Year 9