Detail Information
Academic year that this summary covers | 2024-2025 |
Date this summary was published | July 2024 |
Date this summary will be reviewed | July 2025 |
Name of the school music lead | Emma Oldfield |
Name of school leadership team member with responsibility for music (if different) | Clare Watson |
Name of local music hub | Derbyshire Music Education Hub |
Name of other music education organisation(s) (if partnership in place) | Associate School of Sinfonia Viva |
This is a summary of how Lees Brook Academy delivers music education to all our pupils across three areas – curriculum music, co-curricular provision, and musical experiences – and what changes we are planning in future years. This information is to help pupils and parents or carers understand what our school offers and who we work with to support our pupils’ music education.
Current provision | Planned development over the next 2 years | Possible Music Hub Support |
We have timetabled Music curriculum lessons of one hour each week of the school year for all of Key Stage 3 | At least one hour every week – 2 hours per fortnight of Music classroom based whole class learning. | Music Hub to support with continued vocal workshops to work with the Sinfonia Viva vocal project in April 2025. |
The sequencing of the curriculum from the youngest to the oldest pupils in our school is built on a spiral curriculum model with learning linking directly from KS1&2 | Continue PP/SEND funding to all students in KS3 and KS4 through the Music Hub and school budgets. | Music Hub potential to bring in external agencies for CPD of Music Technology/provision e.g. Digit Music from previous years collaborations. |
Deep and strong relationship with local primary feeder schools where Music curriculum is explored and developed with CPD available for local feeder schoolteachers to develop their knowledge further. | Continue to develop our primary feeder relationships and continue transition from year 4 with these schools at both primary schools and held at our secondary school to support transition. | |
All 4 key areas of music, as stated in the Model Music Curriculum: Singing, Performing, Composing/Improvising and Listening are all regularly covered in the curriculum dispersed throughout KS3 and accessed again in Eduqas Music KS4 GCSE | Continue ongoing CPD annually. | |
Resources are made from across the Trust using a clear and focused process including quality assuring across a network of Music Teachers | Develop our music equipment to cater more to a wider music technology-based group for whole class lessons e.g. DJ lessons and using loop pedals. | |
Music is promoted in our school through the popular and continual trips, events, and enrichment clubs inside and outside of the school day – parents are made aware of these using Weduc and the school website and social media pages. | Add further singing tasks and projects dispersed throughout KS3. | |
Recently Music Teachers at Lees Brook Academy have been to annual training with the Derby Music Hub, they have also taken up regular opportunities to develop their CPD in KS4 areas of provision on online courses | Continue developing our ongoing relationship with external bodies such as the Music Partnership, our peripatetic music teachers, with a wider variety of music peripatetic teachers and further opportunities with other outside agencies. | |
Music Technology is an up-and-coming aspect at Lees Brook Academy – it is used through KS3 and KS4 teaching, and this includes DAW studios and MIDI keyboards, sound stations and the use of microphones, amplifiers and live and post music production. | ||
There are many opportunities with external bodies coming into the school and going out on trips and visits e.g. recently Sinfonia Viva has come in twice this academic year, we have been to watch them perform, we have visited a studio for KS4 students, we have had DJs and Music Producers come in and talk about Music Industry job opportunities and further education. | ||
Students at Lees Brook experience a very wide and varied range of musical styles, genres, histories, and areas of music from across the world in line with the National Music Curriculum. |
Current provision | Planned development over the next 2 years | Possible Music Hub Support |
At Lees Brook Academy we do whole class tuition of Djembe drums, Samba kits, Keyboards, Ukuleles and Guitars and vocal coaching. | Further CPD on the use of world instruments and the purchasing of some more class sets of instruments e.g. more Djembe drums for both music classes to use simultaneously. | |
Singing is something which is explored immediately with year 7 for the first half term. Dispersed throughout. | Continuation of in-school and out of lesson enrichment trips and musical whole class learning e.g. composition clinic and whole day instrumental workshops with Sinfonia Viva. | |
We ensure progression of performing skills throughout KS3 through continuous exposure to performance skills, technique workshops and performance opportunities dispersed throughout our schemes of work in KS3. | ||
We encompass diversity of musical genre through whole class instrumental teaching through getting to know our students and picking songs and choices of songs for learning which cater to the needs, interests of each class, so this means not every class has to study the same song as long as all classes are learning the same skill set and techniques. | ||
Students who wish to continue learning an instrument outside of a scheme of work are welcome to perform and practice in the practice rooms. They are also encouraged to try out peripatetic music lessons. Any barriers can be discussed and overcome through support grants/funding and practical solutions in place. |
Current provision | Planned development over the next 2 years | Possible Music Hub Support |
Other than whole class tuition students can learn flute, clarinet, saxophone, drums, ukulele, acoustic, electric guitar and bass guitar and keyboard with our peripatetic music tutors. | We are developing our variety of instruments from September 2024 adding in voice and strings. | Continuation of employing peripatetic music teachers who are DMH accredited. |
Instrumental tutors are advertised through a video to students and assemblies in school, on our school social media page, on our school website we have a dedicated space all about how to sign up and the benefits of learning an instrument. | This is going to be further advertised in our weekly school bulletin and on student services and in form time powerpoints. | |
Music Teachers follow rigorous CPD training annually through our local Music Hub to get the best opportunities for our students here at Lees Brook Academy. | ||
All students are encouraged to take up a musical enrichment activity, and are welcomed to perform, and be an audience member to many school performances to develop their confidence to take up learning a musical instrument themselves. PP students and SEND students get free music tuition funded by the school. | ||
Current provision | Planned development over the next 2 years | Possible Music Hub Support |
Our school choir is led by our Music Teacher Miss Oldfield | More variety of school ensembles are going to begin in September 2024 with peripatetic teachers beginning to make small ensemble groups with their students for school performances. | DMH peripatetic music tutors to support learning/uptake of instrumental ensembles within out of lesson learning. |
Our school choir practice twice a week on a Wednesday lunch and a Friday after school. | ||
Our school choir performs music from a variety of different styles such as gospel, modern, pop music, musical theatre, and world music. |
Current provision | Planned development over the next 2 years | Possible Music Hub Support |
Our school musical curriculum and provision includes musical ensembles throughout KS3 and our Eduqas Music GCSE specification. Students have summative practical learning tasks during in-class projects and are also encouraged outside of the classroom to make music together. | More variety of school ensembles are going to begin in September 2024 with peripatetic teachers beginning to make small ensemble groups with their students for school performances. | DMH peripatetic music tutors to support learning/uptake of instrumental ensembles within out of lesson learning. |
Students have a wide range of musical tastes, preferences of styles and genres, we cater for a wide range of musical repertoire here and champion all musical preferences. | ||
Our school choir is around 50 students approximately with our year 7 choir sometimes spanning as many as 55. | ||
Students have many opportunities to perform at regular events such as our awards evenings, in the hall on our grand piano at break and lunch, during open mic, during our after school showcases at Christmas time and during the Summer. |
Current provision | Planned development over the next 2 years | Possible Music Hub Support |
Visiting instrumental tutors use our spacious practice rooms and are available to students to practice in during break and lunch time, before and after school. | Students will be able to use 1MU if teachers are available to oversee/monitor before and after school from September 2024. | DMH to advertise in school Saturday Music school during assemblies or a promotional video to show in forms/music lessons. |
There is a safe locked space for instruments available in school in 1MU storage cupboard. |
Current provision | Planned development over the next 2 years | Possible Music Hub Support |
Students have many opportunities to take part in termly performances, including our school KS3 bands, our keyboard club ensemble, as well as our very popular whole school choir and year 7 choir. | We are going to continue our termly open mic sessions and students going out into the community throughout each academic year. | The potential for DMH peripatetic tutors to support instrumental parts in ensembles for shows. |
We perform both in school and outside of school, at venues such as primary feeder schools, local residential homes as well at local supermarkets. This is both for our whole choir and smaller vocal and band ensembles to perform at. | Additional performances next year including a school musical. | |
We have joined recently with Cavendish Primary and Cavendish Junior School and we are planning a project currently with St Giles. |
Current provision | Planned development over the next 2 years | Possible Music Hub Support |
Planned performances in school take place every term – with our Open Mic sessions in the hall where students can perform and support as an audience member. We have visiting artists and musicians come and perform in assemblies and do workshops for whole year groups annually as well. | Planned annual musical theatre trip and pantomime trip and Sinfonia Viva trips x 3 have already been planned and admin and tickets purchased for next academic year. | DMH to continually update any opportunities that our students could do in-school and out of school live performances/experiences. |
We have many external opportunities at Lees Brook Academy including: trips for KS3 and whole year groups, the annual pantomime trip, musical theatre trips, orchestral performances, KS4 termly performance trips with Sinfonia Viva as well as visiting musicians such as our peripatetic musicians. |
Current provision | Planned development over the next 2 years | Possible Music Hub Support |
For instrumental peripatetic lessons we use our SEND and PP budget to pay for these lessons to facilitate all of our students to access perform and play a musical instrument regularly with professional tuition. | Continuation of PP/SEND funding for peripatetic music lessons to ensure all students get equal chance of musical experiences throughout their time at Lees Brook Academy. | N/A |
We use the PP budget to pay for school music performance trips. |