

Expectations of School Uniform

Lees Brook Academy’s uniform policy is designed to encourage a purposeful and effective climate for learning.  It is expected that all 11-16 students wear full uniform at all times, unless directed otherwise by staff. All students should be smart, take pride in their appearance and dress appropriately within the ethos of a formal, academic working environment. All students should be aware that they represent the school when wearing the uniform both in and out of school. Wearing clothing that conforms to the uniform is a condition of admission into the school.  Please do not allow your child to tell you that any of these can be compromised. It puts the school in a difficult position when we have to ring home and ask for an item of uniform to be replaced.


The black uniform blazer with the school logo on the pocket must be worn at all times. It must be clean and smart. Damaged blazers must be repaired or replaced. Cardigans are not permitted. Black V Neck Jumpers are allowed under blazers only.

White Shirt

A formal style white shirt with a stiffened collar must be worn under the blazer; it must be plain white with no logo of any kind. Shirts must not be see-through or tight fitting. Collars must not be worn up around the neck; shirts must be tucked into skirts and trousers all the way round and not just tucked in at the front. Coloured T-shirts must not be worn beneath the shirt.

School Tie

The school tie in the correct year group colour must be worn in a smart manner at all times. Ties must not be decorated with badges, pins, clips etc. If a student forgets their tie, they must borrow one from the school until theirs is replaced.

Black Pleated Skirts

Pleated skirts must be plain black and of a formal cut. They must be no shorter than 2” above the knee, not tight and/or made of a stretchy material.

Black Trousers

Trousers must be plain black and full length. Jeans, tracksuit bottoms and leggings/jeggings are not permitted (trousers with studs on will be classed as jeans).


Belts must be black with a standard buckle.


Shoes must be of a formal style and plain black (the rim around the shoe must also be black and shoes must be polish-able). Boots, canvas shoes, trainers or trainer type shoes will not be permitted. Heels must be no higher than 3 centimetres. 

*Boots can only be worn when there is snow or ice on the ground.


Black socks must be worn with trousers. White or black socks, plain black or flesh coloured tights (patterned tights are not permitted) should be worn with pleated skirts.

Outdoor Coats

Outdoor coats must be smart and a dark colour; not display any offensive logos and taken off in all lessons. Less formal items, such as hooded tops and tracksuit tops are not permitted.


Bags must be big enough to hold an A4 folder. No offensive slogans, symbols or badges on bags, books or folders. 


Extreme hairstyles or coloured hair are not permitted. This includes any unnatural hair colours.In certain lessons, long hair must be tied back for health and safety reasons. Shaved patterns and tram lines are not permitted.


No eyelash extensions and no eyebrow alterations.

Make Up

A minimum amount of make-up is allowed eg light foundation and mascara. Students will be told to remove excessive make-up. Lipstick is not permitted. 

Nail Varnish

Only neutral or clear varnish is allowed. Nail extensions are not permitted.


Only one pair of modest sized ear studs and a wrist watch are allowed. A letter from parents requesting permission is required for any medical or religious items. All jewellery must be removed for PE and Dance lessons.

Body Piercings

Earrings must only be plain studs and nose studs, tongue piercings, belly button and facial piercings are not allowed under any circumstances.



PE Kit

New Year 7 PE kit information

From September, Year 9-11 pupils will have their current PE kit gradually phased out when new items are required. Whereas Year 7 and 8 will have the compulsory PE kit which is available to buy from Morley’s in Chaddesden now where the school uniform can be purchased.

As a school we have decided to upgrade the PE kit to a higher quality uniform with alternative items to buy in order to suit individual preferences. This is with the hope of ensuring pupils are comfortable in their PE kit whilst encouraging a sense of unity and pride when wearing this uniform.

PE required items

Black Lees Brook logo round neck t-shirt


Black Lees Brook logo shorts or pleated skirt


Black socks



Essential – trainers used for indoor lessons must be clean

Black Lees Brook logo Jumper ~ It should also be noted that this will be the only jumper allowed

Optional (however this is recommended during colder weather as lessons will still take place outside)

Black long sleeve base layer top

Optional (however this is recommended during colder weather as lessons will still take place outside)

Plain black sport leggings or black with minimal discrete logo

Optional (plain black cotton leggings are not acceptable)

Plain black tracksuit bottoms or black with minimal discrete logo


Outdoor studded boots

Optional but recommended for football and rugby (moulded or plastic studs only – no metal studs)

Shin pads 

Optional but recommended for football and rugby 

Mouth guards

Optional but recommended for rugby (boys only)

Please note that ALL students have to bring and wear PE kit for all PE lessons, this is regardless of whether they are a performer or non-performer. This is because students can still be involved within PE lessons as a coach/official from the side line if injured for example. It also prevents the students’ school clothes from getting wet if they are caught in rain. We would advise more layers if a student is unable to participate practically within the PE lesson.

Contact Us

Lees Brook Academy
Morley Road
DE21 4QX

E-mail: schoolinfo@leesbrook.co.uk
Tel: 01332 671723

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