Go4Schools is a web-based platform is used to record attendance, behaviour and attainment, providing students, parents and carers with real-time access to live data. Details of how to access Go4Schools is shared below, if you have any difficulties accessing your account please contact:
In order to help ensure parents and carers have improved access to Go4Schools, the Go4Schools Mobile app can also be used. Using the Go4Schools app will enable you to view on your smartphone or tablet the following information on your child:
- Summary of current lesson and the next lesson
- More detailed information on your child’s daily timetable including timings and teachers
Session Attendance
- Counts of possible sessions and overall percentage attendance
- Authorised and unauthorised absences
- Late marks
- Overview of positive and negative behaviour events and points
- Details of each behaviour event including subject, points and date
- Overview of the subject progress and target grades
- View residual progress and colouring, if shared by your school
- Individual subject detail including grades, behaviour and homework
Website: https://www.go4schools.com/